Toilet Paper Holder

Toilet Paper Holderfeatured

Ok friends, this one is short and sweet!

These days I feel like our cell phones follow us everywhere! Yes, that includes the bathroom. Although that may not be a good thing, a shelf in the bathroom can help from keeping those precious items out of the toilet. A toilet paper holder with a shelf can be useful for holding a cellphone, incense, flower etc. I decided that this was something that could be useful in our guest bathroom. I wanted to make it large enough to fit my phone but not so big that my daughter could think she could possibly sit or swing on it! So I made the dimensions to fit my phone. You can easily adjust the dimensions to fit your space. Keep in mind that the wood piece has to be long and wide enough to cover the toilet paper holder.


  • Single Post Toilet Paper Holder
  • 2 in. Double Wide Corner Brace with screws
  • 7 1/2 in. (L) x 4 in (W) wood piece of your choice ( I used a one inch thick cedar board)
  • Wood stain (optional)
  • Polyurethane
  • 3 - 1 1/2 in. screws (to screw into studs)


  • Drill
  • Electric Sander
  • Router with round bit (optional)


Cut your wood to size (7 1/2 in. (L) x 4 in (W)) . Then sand with electric sander 120 grit until smooth on all sides. (Optional) Route the top portion of the wood piece and re-sand lightly for any rough edges. Next, stain wood and apply polyurethane coat.

Attach the single-post toilet paper holder to the bottom of the wood piece following the instructions from the TP holder kit. Check the length of the screws to ensure that they will not stick out of the wood. For example if the hardware from the kit has a 1 1/2 in screw and your wood is 1 in thick then you will need to use a 1/2 in or 3/4 in screw instead of the 1 1/2 in screw.

Once the holder is attached, using the screws from the corner brace pack screw one side of the corner brace into the bottom middle edge of the wood piece. (see below) I pre-drilled the holes for a flush finish.

Finally, line up your TP holder on the wall and using the 1 1/2 in wood screws, screw the brace into the wall studs. If you are not in a stud use anchor screws. Now you have a sturdy wood shelf toilet paper holder!


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